December 21, 2010

Solstice Greetings.

Merry Yule (or whatever you happen to celebrate)!

I thought I’d take a few minutes this morning to add some stuff to the blog.

A few months ago a friend of mine found four adorable kittens outside of a club (bar) in the city. After a week or so the friend was no longer able to care for them. He was going to have another friend take them to a shelter, when I blurted out, “Why don’t you just bring them to me?” And so, he did. For weeks I had my hands full with bottle-feedings and all of the other glamorous tasks that go along with raising furry babies. They’ve since grown and are quite the entertainers (as those of you who are friends with me on Facebook have discovered by the kitten videos I’ve been posting). I have kept all but one kitten, who has found a happy home. :)

I’m still getting requests to enter the drawing for Raven Mask and wanted to touch briefly on that. Unfortunately, the giveaway has already taken place and for those of you still sending requests to enter the drawing, my apologies. I will, however, be doing another giveaway in the future.

On the book front, I’m still working on the third book in the Kassandra Lyall series. A lot of readers have asked me if there’s going to be a next book and if I plan on continuing Kassandra’s series. Yes, I do.

And for those of you that need a Kassandra fix, ‘Harvest Sins,’ a Kassandra short story appears (along with many other wonderful stories by some very kickass authors) in the Bold Strokes Books’ anthology, Breathless: Tales of Celebration, which was released earlier this month. You can order your copy here:

Recently, I had the pleasure of doing an interview with the Bibliophilic Book Blog, which can be found here: Bibliophilic Book Blog - Author Interview.

Another piece of good news, Fangtastic Books listed Witch Wolf as one of the ‘5 Indie and Small Press Books Worth Reading.’ You can check that out here: Fangtastic Books - '5 Indie and Small Press Books Worth Reading.'

Last but not least, I thought I’d share a link to The Cocktail Hour. Andy and Rev discussed Witch Wolf not too long ago. I recommend checking out their other podcasts too, as they’re quite enjoyable. :) The Cocktail Hour - Witch Wolf Discussion.

Wishing everyone a safe and joyous holiday!

Many Blessings,
